Former India football team head coach Igor Stimac lashed out at All India Football Federation (AIFF) chief Kalyan Chaubey on Friday, stating the country’s football will only improve if the incumbent stepped down from his role.
“The sooner Kalyan Chaubey leaves, the better it will be for Indian football,” Stimac told the media. “The president of the AIFF gets pictures clicked with people in important positions just for social media attention. He is now on a spree giving bytes to several influencers.”
The AIFF terminated Stimac’s contract on Monday after recent poor results led to India’s exit from the FIFA World Cup 2026 qualifiers in the second round.
“I am not surprised about parting ways. Most senior players knew I had decided to leave even if we had qualified for the third round. It was impossible for me to go on without proper support, listening to lies and people who cared about only private interests,” said the Croatian, who was appointed in May 2019.
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